What Does Senate Bill 939 Really Say
June 3, 2020

There has been a lot of talk in the industry about the proposed CA Senate Bill 939 that interferes with leases between landlords and certain tenants. Since so many of our clients have asked about the bill, I decided to actually read the legislation since I could not find another source that explained it to … Continued

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RECon 2020 Recap
May 20, 2020

If this were a parallel universe, I would just be returning from the ICSC RECon conference where I would’ve just spent the last several days with 35,000 of my closest friends. But, understandably, due to the global pandemic ICSC had to cancel this year’s event. So instead the Progressive Real Estate Partners team decided to … Continued

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Brad Umansky Shares Marriage Advice for Landlord and Tenant Relationships
May 13, 2020

I have always told my team at Progressive Real Estate Partners that the difference between a retail lease and investment sale transaction is like getting married vs. divorced. In a sale transaction, the parties usually never hear from each other again. By contrast with a lease transaction the parties will likely co-exist for many years … Continued

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April 27, 2020

I have a headache and you probably do too from all the information that is being fired at us in the form of emails, webinars, podcasts, and news reports. And yes, I acknowledge the hypocrisy of adding more info to your inbox, but since I put these thoughts together and since I think there is … Continued

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Brad's Blog - Now More Than Ever It's Time to Do What is Right
March 27, 2020

With everything happening in the world, I’m sure like a lot of you, I’ve experienced a wide range of emotions over the last week ranging from fear to uncertainty to sadness to being grateful for what I have.  But folks I am frustrated right now which might not be the best time to be writing … Continued

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April 1, 2020 Rent Payment Conundrum
March 20, 2020

It seems that the hottest topic of conversation over the past few days is what to do when a tenant’s business is adversely affected by “the virus”.  Based upon conversations with landlords, tenants and property managers there is no doubt that many tenants and landlords are already thinking about how to handle the April 1st … Continued

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Progressive Real Estate Partners hosted at ICSC Fly Out Meeting with Congressman Pete Aquilar
March 5, 2020

I recently had the opportunity to participate in the International Council of Shopping Center’s (ICSC) 2020 Congressional Fly-Out Program. In past years, ICSC has arranged for a group of its members to visit Washington, DC to meet with their elected officials and advocate on behalf of the retail real estate industry. I never participated in … Continued

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2021 Outlook for Inland Empire Retail Real Estate Market
January 2, 2020

Explosive industrial development, robust job creation, housing appreciation, record low interest rates, massive infrastructure improvements and substantial growth at Ontario International Airport all contributed to a strong retail real estate market for SoCal’s Inland Empire in 2019 and set the table for a likely positive 2020. Here are just a few recent Inland Empire economic … Continued

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How Cities Can Help Foster New Retail & Restaurant Businesses
November 12, 2019

I was recently contacted by a Riverside County Economic Development official asking for my thoughts on how the cities in the county can help foster more independent retailers, especially restaurants, to open new locations. He indicated this is a “hot topic” amongst many of the city’s economic development departments. In response, I shared some of … Continued

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Inland Empire 3rd Quarter 2019 Retail Snapshot
October 30, 2019

As we head toward year-end, here’s a snapshot of the latest retail real estate stats for SoCal’s Inland Empire with some commentary about each: Vacancy:  Retail vacancy continues to decline. It reached 6.8% as of the end of the 3rd quarter, but that was before Forever 21 announced that it was dumping about 300,000 SF … Continued

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ICSC Western Conference 2019
September 24, 2019

Another ICSC Western Conference in the books and this year I had a very specific goal:  to meet and talk with as many retailers and tenant reps as possible.  Unfortunately, these days I don’t get as much of an opportunity to interact directly with retailers and their brokers so ICSC presented a perfect opportunity thanks … Continued

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SoCal Inland Empire's Retail Leasing Market Update
August 30, 2019

Although the weather is still hot as we approach the end of summer, leasing activity has certainly cooled down a bit. In 2018, we experienced 5.3M square feet of leasing activity which was a little less than the 5.7M square feet that we averaged from 2011 to 2018. This year we are on track to … Continued

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