Below are two charts. The top one shows the average price per square foot for retail properties that have recently sold in Southern California’s Inland Empire. The bottom one shows the cap rates for these same properties. If you had no context other than these charts, most people would say that this is a booming … Continued

We all know about the negative impact the pandemic has had on many in the shopping, travel, fitness and restaurant business so I’m not going to reiterate that here. Instead, in this blog I’m going to focus on the actual financial metrics resulting from the related recession on SoCal’s Inland Empire. The following are 11 … Continued

If you regularly read my blogs you know that I generally avoid being political. Not with this blog. I am adamantly opposed to California’s Proposition 15. In my opinion, the state’s desire to increase revenue on the backs of the business community will be very damaging which will far outweigh any benefit that the communities … Continued

With the election season upon us it’s a good time to review some of the tax proposals that are being suggested. According to numerous online sources, Presidential nominee Joe Biden is proposing a number of changes to the Federal tax code that would affect commercial real estate investors. The goal of this blog post is … Continued

Click here to View Entire Video Video Index (with direct links to segment) 00:04 ACRE representatives and panelist Introductions 10:23 Impact of Covid on budgets and considerations moving forward 20:53 How online sales are helping cities 30:03 Easing of restrictions on drive-thru restaurants and other uses 37:43 Outlook for cannabis operations 43:32 Economic development tools … Continued

Could August 15th Be the Next Critical Date? As retail is re-opening and we’re all getting used to the new reality one of the questions I hear most often is “What impact has the past 4 months had on the Inland Empire retail real estate market”. To answer that question, I’m going to share some … Continued

There has been a lot of talk in the industry about the proposed CA Senate Bill 939 that interferes with leases between landlords and certain tenants. Since so many of our clients have asked about the bill, I decided to actually read the legislation since I could not find another source that explained it to … Continued

If this were a parallel universe, I would just be returning from the ICSC RECon conference where I would’ve just spent the last several days with 35,000 of my closest friends. But, understandably, due to the global pandemic ICSC had to cancel this year’s event. So instead the Progressive Real Estate Partners team decided to … Continued

I have always told my team at Progressive Real Estate Partners that the difference between a retail lease and investment sale transaction is like getting married vs. divorced. In a sale transaction, the parties usually never hear from each other again. By contrast with a lease transaction the parties will likely co-exist for many years … Continued

I have a headache and you probably do too from all the information that is being fired at us in the form of emails, webinars, podcasts, and news reports. And yes, I acknowledge the hypocrisy of adding more info to your inbox, but since I put these thoughts together and since I think there is … Continued

With everything happening in the world, I’m sure like a lot of you, I’ve experienced a wide range of emotions over the last week ranging from fear to uncertainty to sadness to being grateful for what I have. But folks I am frustrated right now which might not be the best time to be writing … Continued

It seems that the hottest topic of conversation over the past few days is what to do when a tenant’s business is adversely affected by “the virus”. Based upon conversations with landlords, tenants and property managers there is no doubt that many tenants and landlords are already thinking about how to handle the April 1st … Continued